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  1. OlDogger

    OlDogger Porn Star

    Apr 11, 2016
    ..located where the asteroid belt exists, and that planet was the mother planet to Mars. Compounding this speculation was that the markings and artifacts of Mars disfigurement were the debris from an externally sourced explosion (of a planet?)..

    Tom Van Flandern, Meta Research

    Abstract. The hypothesis of the explosion of a number of planets and moons of our solar system during its 4.6-billion-year history is in excellent accord with all known observational constraints, even without adjustable parameters. Many of its boldest predictions have been fulfilled. In most instances, these predictions were judged highly unlikely by the several standard models the eph would replace. And in several cases, the entire model was at risk to be falsified if the prediction failed. The successful predictions include: (1) satellites of asteroids; (2) satellites of comets; (3) salt water in meteorites; (4) “roll marks” leading to boulders on asteroids; (5) the time and peak rate of the 1999 Leonid meteor storm; (6) explosion signatures for asteroids; (7) strongly spiked energy parameter for new comets; (8) distribution of black material on slowly rotating airless bodies; (9) splitting velocities of comets; (10) Mars is a former moon of an exploded planet.

    Titius-Bode Law of Planetary Spacing
    Planet Distance Formula
    Mercury 0.4 0.5
    Venus 0.7 0.7
    Earth 1.0 1.0
    Mars 1.5 1.6
    ? -- 2.8
    Jupiter 5.2 5.2
    Saturn 9.5 10
    Uranus 19.2 19.6
    Neptune 30.1 38.8
    Formula: distance in au
    Where It Began – the Titius-Bode Law of Planetary Spacing

    In the latter half of the 18th century, when only six major planets were known, interest was attracted to the regularity of the spacing of their orbits from the Sun. The table shows the Titius-Bode law of planetary spacing, comparing actual and formula values. This in turn drew attention to the large gap between Mars and Jupiter, apparently just large enough for one additional planet. Today we know of tens of thousands of “minor planets” or asteroids with planet-like orbits at that average mean distance from the Sun.

    With the discovery of the second asteroid in 1802, Olbers proposed that many more asteroids would be found because the planet that belonged at that distance must have exploded. This marked the birth of the exploded planet hypothesis. It seemed the most reasonable explanation until 1814, when Lagrange found that the highly elongated orbits of comets could also be readily explained by such a planetary explosion. That, unfortunately, challenged the prevailing theory of cometary origins of the times, the Laplacian primeval solar nebula hypothesis. Comets were supposed to be primitive bodies left over from the solar nebula in the outer solar system. This challenge incited Laplace supporters to attack the exploded planet hypothesis. Lagrange died in the same year, and support for his viewpoint died with him when no one else was willing to step into the line of fire.
  2. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Not an exploded planet.

    When supreme commander sent shooter to earth as a spy, shooter noted a striking similarity between earthlings and the Barratnque, a curious race in the Andromeda system.

    Since the Barratnque are advanced and have relations with Xcebia, shooter was able to do some investigation.

    He discovered that a few millennia ago a group of Barratnque academics joined up with a group of politicians for a wild drunken lost vacation somewhere far, far away.

    Reputations you see could be adversely effected if there were witnesses.

    Anyway, while seeking a remote corner of the universe they were kidnapped by a band of shinoda who were themselves looking for a bit of sport.

    The hapless Barratnque were dumped on a remote rock (earth, as it turns out) to await payment of the ransom.

    Unfortunately for the Barratnque, the Shinoda were themselves ambushed and killed.

    So, the good news is every Earthling is related to high level Barratnque who are, relative to earthlings, fucking rich.

    So shooter will be pleased to serve as ambassador with the goal of reuniting Barratnque with their long lost relatives.

    For only a small handling and shipping fee of course.
  3. Rixer

    Rixer Horndog

    Aug 2, 2008
    If you think we're going to send you any money you're off Uranus. ...:p:D
    • Funny Funny x 3
  4. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. OlDogger

    OlDogger Porn Star

    Apr 11, 2016
    @shootersa, Your post serendipitously and synchronistically I accept as a corollary 'Foreword' to what I intended to add to this post after hearing a missed episode of Art Bell's 'Coast-to-Coast-AM' show back in '98.
    That broadcast ties together events that happened to me somewhere in the Fall '96 to Spring '97 period of time. Plus from later engagements with other speculations I gave my assenting post to this speculation about aliens. Both of these tie in to that '98 Art Bell broadcast, because the event of that exploding planet whose remnants would be that asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter was estimated to be 6.5m to 7m years ago, coinciding with the early hominid remains found in Africa by the Leakeys. The broadcast was trying to explain whether the image on the Cydonia region on Mars was a random geological pattern or an artificial one fabricated by someone on the planet.

    IF there was a mother planet to which Mars was its moon, the speculation was that prior to the explosion that altered the polar sites on Mars the Cydonia region would have been on the viewable and equatorial side of Mars. With the pre-explosion size of Mars would make its mother planet about twice or more the mass of Earth, plus Mars would be
    150,000 miles in distance from the mother-planet, than our Moon's distance of 250,000 miles is from our viewing point. Speculation on the Cydonia image continued to assert that the image was a vanity project of the inhabitants of that mother-planet (65.m-7m years before our first hominid-like humans start their bi-pedal evolution).

    Extrapolating on those speculations, a civilization given those kinds of technical capabilities would have known or detected the on-coming explosion that would've caused the destruction of their planet, and would have made preparations for survivors to 'Ark' their way, singularly or as an armada, to a new destination. Seeing the difference in the atmosphere on Earth as different from the Mother-Planet, they'd have the technology to adapt in the short run and use the zoology and the botany of earth to be the GMO'ed recipients of their biochemistry for their heirs of their destroyed civilization.

    Also, going back to my post on "Capitalism v. Socialism", I brought up the anomaly of a breed of humans whose brain size was larger than ours is. Could they have been the last futile attempts of the pioneering aliens to find a tangible zoological receptacle for being their genetic heirs, and decided-as a backstop-to devise a cloaking mechanism for their invisibility, so they could impart in subtle ways their knowledge as "satoris!" to the clueless humans to move them in the direction of both ethical,as well as technological development. Only our earth-centered provincialism for the boundaries of the paradigms we presume as truism hold us back in our cultural expressions, despite the rare exceptions of genius which show-up in the most unexpected or unique cultural manifestations-e.g. 'The Day the Earth Stood Still' (1951)....
    1. OlDogger
      Just another clip from the 1951 version of "The Day the Earth stood still"
      OlDogger, Mar 17, 2019
  6. pussy in boots

    pussy in boots ride em cowgirl up

    May 30, 2010
    Earth was a prison planet. Just look at the democrats the dregs of society.
    1. OlDogger
      My 'Petersburg satori' did envision this as a genetic, waste treatment landfill, literally and figuratively... Unlike what @Ed Itor noted, the alien, themselves stay in an invisible cloak and legendarily exist in the subterranean spaces of Earth. Our dog-eat-dog way of existence comes from the aliens believing that the 'hardware' of their genes would also provide the software of their retrospective wisdom. Thus, the dichotomy we witness world-wide between the predatory and the altruistic just may be derived from the cultural dichotomy of those more mid-brain focused on the terrestrial trappings of opportunity versus those who still have latent signals from those pioneers from what used to be the MotherPlanet that is now the asteroid belt.
      OlDogger, Mar 17, 2019
  7. Ed Itor

    Ed Itor dusted

    Jul 13, 2009
    Naw, we be Martians who destroyed their planet through neglect, overpopulation & pollution. Only a few of us survived to escape, unfortunately we crashed when the Captain was indisposed and all our technical data/equipment was lost.
    Apparently we are a dumb species as we are doing it again. All those UFOs are others checking to see if we have learned from Mars, seeing that we haven't we will be either exterminated or planet locked.
    That's why we find water and stuff pointing to life on Mars, as well as our thoughts concerning the red planet in SF
    1. OlDogger
      IF "SF" is San Francisco, I have heard that underneath Alcatraz Island there are tunnels that will take you to their subterranean home which they maintain west of the fault-line under the Pacific shelf.. From there they are the Mole-whales related to the Great White Whale of Melville's Moby Dick composition..
      OlDogger, Mar 20, 2019
    2. Ed Itor
      @OlDogger: Yeah I read that they had found old forgotten tunnels under the prison block and plan to add them to the tour once they have checked them out. Theses tunnels apparently are from the original fort that Alcatraz was built on top of and in some parts rooms & such can still be explored.
      SF = Science Fiction on this case.
      Ed Itor, Mar 21, 2019
    3. OlDogger
      Even You connecting that tangent I made to that reference to science fiction, "SF"; could it be that dis-incarnates have tracking or scanning powers more sophisticated and sublime than the NSA does? In that way they could pick up on any thoughts, indicating a receptive mind for being a conduit for transmissions. By finding a conduit use it as fertile ground for implanting the thought substances of their paradigms in the receptacle??
      OlDogger, Mar 21, 2019
  8. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    No one wants to be united with their (very rich) Barratnque relatives?

    Cmon. What's the worst that can happen?
    1. conroe4
      I learned about relative humidity by asking my uncle for a loan.

      He said, "PISS ON YOU!"
      conroe4, Mar 17, 2019
  9. OlDogger

    OlDogger Porn Star

    Apr 11, 2016
    @shootersa's "Cmon. What's the worst that can happen?"

    Something I say often these days, when speculating what 'Murphy's Law' calamity could happen..

    FOR ME IT TRANSCENDS ANY GENETIC RE-ASSOCIATION.. Just like that walk in the woods at Petersburg National Battlefield or having the radio on last night as I watched TV and later was viewing the round results of the prelims and main card of the Spence-Garcia fight and hearing about the relation between Mars and what may have existed as a planet in what is now the asteroid belt.. I (and we) are the vessels in our moments of idle engagement of signals that speak of other scenarios of reality in other possible dimensions...

    And for me "What's the worse thing that can happen??" is what I've come to ask about these jig-saw pieces of serendipity that come out of 'No where'(?), as anecdotal evidence and thoughts gather in response to going along to what we have come to presume as the ends and the means of existence..
  10. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Some facts from Barratnque society;
    Average net worth (converted to USD); $1,386,584,943.00
    National sport; Sex
    Exports; sex toys. Sex partners. Sex aids.
    Best occupation on Barratnque; Liquor store ownere.
    Best quote from the supreme commander of Barrantque;
    If we can't get you up, you must be dead.

    Last edited: Mar 17, 2019
    1. conroe4
      Oh shit, Rixer and I are related.

      Weightless sex is one of my fantasies, well, until the sperm flies, then it's DUCK!
      conroe4, Mar 17, 2019
    2. OlDogger
      @shootersa I see Great-grandpa Winder's, aka "Whiteman", resemblance.. Time for a private reunion!
      OlDogger, Mar 17, 2019
  11. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Small fee only. Satisfaction guaranteed.
    *Shooter mumbles; finally, a rube steps forward!
    • Funny Funny x 1
    1. OlDogger
      Only got a hard nub and bubble gum.. Ooops... fresh outta gum
      OlDogger, Mar 17, 2019
  12. OlDogger

    OlDogger Porn Star

    Apr 11, 2016
    @shootersa Me thinks I saw a representative of the Barratnque
    I was at the Base Pharmacy waiting area when I saw..this one morph in a cloaking manner fpr my perception only from [​IMG] to a teasing series of poses[​IMG]...[​IMG]....beckoning me to coitus with "It"[​IMG]!!!
  13. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Well, the one way to know for sure is to coitus with her.

    If she bites....... you know, like hard, you got a winner.
  14. OlDogger

    OlDogger Porn Star

    Apr 11, 2016
    Funny, I thought about her in retrospect while reviewing this post. 'Cause ya know, unlike others.. she was a
    Gal w/a nice hair style and nice hump of a rump (Langley Main Hospital Pharmacy.. and there I was; VERY patiently waiting to pick up my prescription in the waiting area two rows at the end of the row near the wall, I noticed her entrance-mainly because of that nice pear-shaped hump she had for an ass. Her chest wasn't so bad, even if she did have a lift-up bra on.
    It would've been just a passing casual observation, but she, like a few others but more demonstrative, wanted to find out when her number would be called. She went up to the window and then had an exasperated face as she went to the check-in kiosk to double check for her place. She didn't stop there, as she sought out (stalked?) and engaged others (who happened, coincidentally, to be younger and well built) as she re-narrated her waiting area prescription predicament, while seemingly at the same time needing to be elsewhere.. Unlike others who pre-occupied themselves with whatever was on their smart phone, she 'hunted down and paid attention, engaging those (men) in her surroundings.
    When my number was called, finally; and I made an openly heard mutter of relief which she noted with a cunningly smiling empathy-now that I think about it. After picking up my prescription and at first headed for the door by the Information Desk, I remembered how thirsty I was and caught myself (or was she drawing me back to her?). So I turned around to go back in that direction. When I did my eyes and her eyes caught each other's attention, again, and she gave me an approving evaluator's smile, which I returned to her; pulled nearly to engage her more, despite needing to head for an other destination..

    Boy! How close I did come to possibly getting bitten..
  15. Shreky perv

    Shreky perv Porn Star

    Jan 30, 2019
    Yes we are. Its how I got here.
    1. OlDogger
      How timely and not a moment too soon, your appearance and declaration is to me..
      What IS your story..
      OlDogger, Mar 25, 2019