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  1. OlDogger

    OlDogger Porn Star

    Apr 11, 2016
    Millions of Americans are wrestling with the impossibility of a traditional middle-class existence. In homes across the country, kitchen tables are strewn with unpaid bills. Lights burn late into the night. The same calculations get performed again and again, through exhaustion and sometimes tears.

    Wages minus grocery receipts. Minus medical bills. Minus credit card debt. Minus utility fees. Minus student loan and car payments. Minus the biggest expense of all: rent.

    In the widening gap between credits and debits hangs a question: which bits of this life are you willing to give up, so you can keep on living?

    During three years of research for my book, Nomadland: Surviving America in The Twenty-First Century, I spent time with hundreds of people who had arrived at the same answer. They gave up traditional housing and moved into “wheel estate”: RVs, travel trailers, vans, pickup campers, even a salvaged Prius and other sedans. For many, sacrificing some material comforts had allowed them to survive, while reclaiming a small measure of freedom and autonomy. But that didn’t mean life on the road was easy.
    [Complete article at https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/dec/02/nomadland-living-in-cars-working-amazon ]
    • Like Like x 1
    1. OlDogger
      Lucian Mclemore‏ @lucianmac50 Nov 30
      Replying to @chrislhayes
      Exactly. Why should corps give anything to their employees? Not even a better benefits package. They'll just hire part time workers so they don't even have to give benefits at all. That way, they get to keep even more.
      OlDogger, Dec 7, 2017
    2. OlDogger
      OlDogger, Dec 7, 2017
  2. msman

    msman Porn Star Banned!

    Dec 18, 2010
    Maybe if people would throw away the credit cards they would not be if such bad shape.
    Maybe buy a car that is a few years old.
    The people I see that have problems are those who waste what money they have and if their paycheck is a day or so late they have to borrow to make it.
  3. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    The people OlDogger wrote about are not paid well enough to pay for necessities. A lot of them take two or three jobs. They still cannot afford to pay for necessities.
    • Like Like x 2
  4. OlDogger

    OlDogger Porn Star

    Apr 11, 2016
    There was a national inventory service for whom I worked on-call while in Nebraska. The folks there, if they used their credit cards for regualr necessities, it was because didn't have enough cash..
    I was more fortunate and used cash for all but big repairs to the car and house, but for the many, credit cards are the closest they have to income-as perverse as that is..

    Getting back to Sen Grassley's comments about the lack of thrift by the average person.. Some of those in that article had their 401k's in the market in '08 and lost the bulk, if not all. How many can and DO want to center their lives on leveraging their assets, beyond being a self-employed person-as many of these are now on the side by way of a broker or being a home stock troll??? How many people can afford the fees that a bank has on minimum deposit levels?

    There seems to be something desperately grasping, when people are reduced not only to hand-to-mouth, but worse have the PSYCHOLOGY that what is meaningful is hoarding to an excessive surplus that becomes adverse to their economic as well as ecological environment
    • Like Like x 1
  5. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Oh dear. The millennials are finding that it takes real money to live in the real world, and unless you are a very rich trust fund baby, have to prioritize your spending.

    Shooter was there. Until 1975 he was but a poor servant of the people. From 1975 until 1980 he was just poor (but having a huge amount of fun). Starting in 1980, when he realized he was no longer a young bullet proof stud, he started building for his future. It took him 25 years to pay off his bills, pay for his misspent youth, and secure his financial future.

    If the book old dogger is pitching had been written when Shooter was in his 20s, he is sure the book would carry the same message. Only, Shooter's generation didn't expect anyone to bail them out of their dilemma. Or expect anyone to offer any sympathy. Or give a shit.
  6. msman

    msman Porn Star Banned!

    Dec 18, 2010
    We now have a group of people, can't call them adults, that have no idea how to make a living on their own.
    For some reason they think everything should be handed to them. Might have a lot to do with the everyone gets a trophy idea.
    They want the best of everything while not working to get it. They want the best job but fail to get an education or skill that will land a good job.
    They want the newest car, biggest house, newest toy, but don't want to have to work for it.
    The gimme generation.
    1. OlDogger
      Not necessarily..
      Shit is happening out there, where labor laws make it possible for people to be let go for the flimsiest reasons.. Beyond departures to other nations, automations.. Being over-qualified (they can hire someone younger or foreign for less)..
      You need to get out and see your USA more Ms-man and see the reality beyond 2nd hand reports
      OlDogger, Dec 7, 2017
      Viewer1060 likes this.
    2. msman
      I have been from one side of the U.S. and from top to bottom of the U.S.
      Seen both oceans and crossed both borders.
      I worked all of my life. Managed to always have a job.
      I paid for what I wanted or did without.
      What I see now is kids who were raised up on the everyone gets a trophy mentality expecting the same thing after they are grown.
      They should get off their asses and go to work for what they want.
      Labor laws are not keeping them from working. Laziness has beat it to that job.
      Departures to other nations and automations has been around for many years. Mature adults have still managed to live, raise a family.
      If you cannot or will not do the job you were hired to do you can always blame it on being over qualified.
      Get off your lazy ass and get a job and pay your own bills.
      No one owes you a living.
      msman, Dec 7, 2017
  7. OlDogger

    OlDogger Porn Star

    Apr 11, 2016
    Your ad hominem presumptions makes me wonder about your assertions..

    I lived in Nebraska and worked temp jobs.. Worked in Memphis, Western MD, CNY as a contract worker.. Was hailed as the rare generalists of versatile talents, that got me through the post-Iraq enlistments until my military pension kicked in 6 years later

    You're guilty of conflating and branding w/a broad brush. There's a difference between the young who've not been taught and trained of learning the basics before moving on to know about greater paying responsibilities, to guys older than me who were signing up for the hazardous duty pay as Reservist in the military or as paramilitary temps for strikes.. They take risks and hazards that are legal but more hazardous than selling contraband for drugs to other things as entrepreneurs on their local black markets in the parallel economy...

    You just DON'T KNOW... You just want to believe what you believe from your limited observations..

    When your IDOLS, which I say with karmic irony, fail you with their false paradigms in another economic crunch that devastates your community, then you'll know how Steinbeck and Faulkner were able to write such palpably real novels about the inequit that people face in your ideal world
    1. msman
      Have you ever given any thought that you may be the one who JUST DON'T KNOW or are guilty of conflating and branding with a broad brush?
      It isn't my fault that we have a large number of people who have not looked far enough ahead to think they may have to support themselves?

      I have prepared for the future. Sounds like you are one of those who didn't prepare for the future and blame someone else for your short sighted look on the future.
      There is a lot of difference in today and the time Steinbeck and Faulkner wrote about. It is an insult to the people who lived through those days to compare some lazy, uneducated, supposedly mature person who was raised on the everyone gets a trophy mind set.
      msman, Dec 7, 2017
    2. OlDogger
      For those in places where 'SHIT HAPPENED', your argument is full of holes.. Every year, shit by natural causes or man-made negligence or design has taken those who were no different than you and put them in modern-day versions of Faulkner and Steinbeck..

      I chose my fate and successfully navigated the consequences of being more than a cog in an indifferent and callous economic order of materialism, and it-in full disclosure-has determined my minimalist, near-monastic asceticism.. The chronic street people, who have taken to the under-passes of highways, are the proto-anarchists of a similar attitude. They find sufficiency in the literal left-overs of the materialistic waste.

      But we're talking about folks who you can read about in the headlines who are more the collateral damage of circumstances not of their making except for the coincidence of their location and status when the shit happened.
      OlDogger, Dec 7, 2017
    3. msman
      People should be able to look far enough ahead to see the SHIT coming before it hits them. That is just part of being an educated mature person.
      If you live in a place where natural disasters happen frequently get your ass on the road to a safer place. If you are in a place where all the jobs go south, follow the jobs. If you have bad luck and fall on your ass, get up, dust yourself off and do something.
      The do something part is where many of people today have the problem. It is much easier to demand others pay for your mistakes and lay the blame for your lack of knowledge on them.
      People are not nailed down to one place. There is always a road going out of the place you are living in. Sometimes you have to get on that road and find a better place.
      msman, Dec 7, 2017
  8. OlDogger

    OlDogger Porn Star

    Apr 11, 2016
    1. View previous comments...
    2. shootersa
      Anyone tried to buy or rent a home in California lately?
      How about Mississippi or West Virginia?
      There's a reason California has a homeless problem, and it ain't because of laziness. It's because the market is fucked up, just like it is in Colorado.
      shootersa, Dec 7, 2017
    3. msman
      I saw on the morning news that a professor in one of the colleges in California was living in her car because she didn't make enough money to rent or buy a home.
      Normal people would think there is something wrong with that picture. In California it is common.
      msman, Dec 7, 2017
    4. msman
      Come on down to Jackson, Ms. You can buy a home in Jackson for $500.
      msman, Dec 7, 2017
    5. OlDogger
      And what jobs can you find to pay such modestly good prices for that home??
      OlDogger, Dec 7, 2017
    6. msman
      There are quite a few jobs. If you have a resume that includes a high school diploma and not how much time you spent in jail you can get a decent job.
      Not many in Jackson can do that. Some can't even sign their own name. Most normal people can get a job but they don't live in Jackson. Neither do they buy one of those $500 homes. A cheap house is just not worth dying for. The cities outside of Hinds country are within a short driving distance and safe.
      There is a large Nissan plant just north of Jackson. Finding a job was never a problem for me.
      msman, Dec 7, 2017
  9. Clawk

    Clawk Porno Junky

    Apr 10, 2017
    A tax cut would help ease these problems. Lower taxes on corporations would allow companies to pay better and lower taxes on workers would allow them to keep more of their money. The problem is all those greedy Democrats and RINOs who want to take as much as they can from poor workers who have to live in their cars.
    1. msman
      Democrats have always been quick to raise taxes. Even quicker to waste the tax money.
      msman, Dec 7, 2017
    2. OlDogger
      And tax cuts of Bush, plus military and foreign adventurism doesn't leave dirty and bloody hands on the GOP??
      OlDogger, Dec 7, 2017
  10. OlDogger

    OlDogger Porn Star

    Apr 11, 2016
    And as far as picking up and relocating for better paying regions...
    • Like Like x 1
    1. RandyKnight
      after Clinton Bush and Obama all Globalist what would you expect...
      RandyKnight, Dec 7, 2017
      msman likes this.
    2. OlDogger
      Clinton was a bait and switch, triangulaionists who patronized his way for votes of long-neglected sentiments to the point of his supporters' disadvantage.. A
      legacy done in-skin by Obama, with the equally arrogant and hubristic foil of the the GOP dog-whistle calls as the bogeyman of the alternative
      OlDogger, Dec 7, 2017
  11. Clawk

    Clawk Porno Junky

    Apr 10, 2017
    If the Trump administration continues to reduce mass illegal immigration of low skill workers, the employment picture for low income workers will improve.
    • Like Like x 1
  12. OlDogger

    OlDogger Porn Star

    Apr 11, 2016
    Immigration is the otherside of the coin of oligarchs and plutocrats excesses of kleptocracy in those departure countries.. while what's been happening here in the US since the 70's has been the wage worker being reduced to a share-cropper status of perpetual debt:

    Eagle Baldini‏ @CripesMyPipes Nov 28
    A family of 4 making $59k/year is not middle class. They are working poor living check to check with no savings, no retirement $ and most likely do not own a home (or are underwater with their mortgage versus home value). $1300/year will do little to change their lives #TaxDebate
    • Like Like x 1
    1. RandyKnight
      they are either living in the wrong place are just not using their resources wisely....
      RandyKnight, Dec 7, 2017
      msman likes this.
    2. msman
      Just think what removing 10 million illegals would do for the country.
      msman, Dec 7, 2017
  13. OlDogger

    OlDogger Porn Star

    Apr 11, 2016
    With thoughts about the similarities between Marie Antoinette and the advocates for the policies that do nothing directly for the working poor..
    Jerry Tamburino ‏ @janjer1 Dec 1
    Replying to @realDonaldTrump
    No successful working economy has EVER existed by giving tax breaks to the already wealthy and already cash-rich corporations. EVER! Economies are grown by giving money directly to the working poor and middle class. They will spend it thus creating jobs. Wealthy will hoard it. BS
    1. msman
      You cannot give tax breaks to those who do not pay taxes.
      We do have millions of people who get more back from the federal government than they have paid in taxes.
      It isn't a tax break when you give them more money back that they have paid in.
      Someone had to pay their share and kick in extra for those who do not pay their share.
      msman, Dec 7, 2017
  14. Clawk

    Clawk Porno Junky

    Apr 10, 2017
    One Party feels that unlimited illegal immigration on a massive scale will help the working poor find a better job. They also believe that we can tax ourselves into prosperity. You know, like they have in Venezuela.
    • Like Like x 2
  15. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    I agree with you about "unlimited illegal immigration on a massive scale." Even legal immigration depresses wages.

    Nevertheless, Democrat presidents have only once reduced the top tax rate. Usually they have raised it. Democrat presidents also have better records than Republican presidents on economic growth, job growth, and even growth in the stock market.

    The economic history of the twentieth century demonstrates that we can tax and spend our way to prosperity, and usually have.

    I have documented these assertions many times in the past. I have tired of trying to push facts into closed and narrow minds.
  16. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Is Shooter the only one around here that has a raised eye brow every time someone says "give" (insert group) tax breaks?
    Give ?
    GIVE ?!?!?!?
    That's our fucking money they are talking about. And Congress and the pundits actually act like they are "giving" (insert group) something, like a gift.
    Fuck that.
    That's our fucking money in the first place. Congress and the Government ought to stop being so damned entitled to OUR fucking money!
    • Like Like x 1
    1. msman
      The people have been brain washed by the political parties and life long politicians to believe it all belongs to the government and they are being nice to let us keep a fraction of the money we work for.
      Keep up the nonsense and they can lower your allowance even more.
      msman, Dec 7, 2017
  17. OlDogger

    OlDogger Porn Star

    Apr 11, 2016
    The FICA taxes are taken out and given back by deductions. Because they have that boon provided to them is not entirely because of a lack of effort on their part, but by circumstances such as stock market crashes automation, relocation to other domestic or foreign host that have no insinuation that they were the direct authors and composers of their fate. Those whose wealth was assisted by an infrastructure-human and constructed-owe part of their wealth to the agencies that provided that.

    As far as the govt wasting our tax dollars; I'd be all for we citizens being able to itemize what proportion of our Line 32(?) on our tax return gets distributed to whatever agencies and programs, so that our taxable income before deductions is representative of our will, and not on the dubious fabrications of needs by those whose loyalties are for their re-election campaign coffers than our needs
  18. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Wishful thinking. But first, comments about Social Security;
    So this is a sort of contract between Government and the labor force.
    We are obligated to have 6.2% of our income withheld, and our employer matches that.
    The Government "invests" it for us, and when (if) we retire, we get some of it back in the form of a retirement.
    A similar program provides Americans over 65 with a paltry sort of health insurance, we pay 1.45% of our income for that.
    If one does the math one discovers that if we could invest for ourselves that combined 14% or so of our income we could have good health insurance for life, and a more comfortable retirement. Social Security and Medicare are classic examples of Government fucking up a good idea.

    Now, as to "voting" where our taxes go, it would not work very well. Programs that are necessary but distasteful, such as Congress costs, need to be funded, like it or not.

    If Congress was taking care of our business, and not theirs, we could happily pay our taxes and be a better country for it.
    • Like Like x 1
  19. OlDogger

    OlDogger Porn Star

    Apr 11, 2016
    A work-friend in 1978-79 was telling me that to get a home on his insurance underwriters (good) pay was $800-$1000 per month for rent.. This was well before the tech boom in the Bay area, and was down in the LA area..
    I high school classmate is facing the same thing presently in the San Diego area

    There are plenty of articles complaining about illegal immigration, but this economic development worker gives this opinion
    According to Al Lerma, director of business development for the Sonoma County Economic Development Board,

    there are about 4,000 Hispanic-owned businesses in Sonoma County.
    “You can make generalizations and assumptions about the immigrant population of the United States, but there are so many sources of information that point to the fact that immigrants contribute millions of dollars to our economy – on the national level, the state level and the county level,” says Lerma.

    In addition to the jobs created by immigrant-owned businesses, Lerma says the buying power of Sonoma County’s immigrant population must also be taken into account.

    “Immigrants are also consumers,” he says, “and when you look at their numbers, their consumer power is significant.”

    Lerma describes the impact on Sonoma County of immigrant spending – documented and not – as “sizable.”

    “If you take that income out of the picture, that number is going to really hurt the economy,” says Lerma. “Immigrants buy cars, they buy refrigerators, they buy consumer goods – just like everyone else.”

    Email David at david.templeton@sonomanews.com.

    “You can make generalizations and assumptions about the immigrant population of the United States, but there are so many sources of information that point to the fact that immigrants contribute millions of dollars to our economy – on the national level, the state level and the county level,” says Lerma.

    In addition to the jobs created by immigrant-owned businesses, Lerma says the buying power of Sonoma County’s immigrant population must also be taken into account.

    “Immigrants are also consumers,” he says, “and when you look at their numbers, their consumer power is significant.”

    Lerma describes the impact on Sonoma County of immigrant spending – documented and not – as “sizable.”

    “If you take that income out of the picture, that number is going to really hurt the economy,” says Lerma. “Immigrants buy cars, they buy refrigerators, they buy consumer goods – just like everyone else.”

    Email David at david.templeton@sonomanews.com.
    1. msman
      She forgot to mention the illegals cost our government. Forgot about the increase in crime rates.
      Forgot about the jobs they take away from U.S. citizens.
      It isn't a bed of roses even though many people in California will try to tell us it is.
      Maybe that is the reason so much of California is on fire. Karma.
      msman, Dec 7, 2017
  20. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    LEGAL immigration is good for the US.
    ILLEGAL immigration is bad for the US.
    • Like Like x 2